Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Summer Reading Program Participants Off to a Great School Year

The foundation's Summer Reading & Literacy Program helped students enhance their reading and math skills over the summer, giving them momentum going into the new school year! In checking with the parents of those who attended the programs, they are doing great and some of their early test of the school year is reflecting it.

Partnership With SMILE's Stem Camp Over The Summer

The foundation would like to thank SMILE Community Action Agency for bringing us in to their summer camp to speak to their kids about the importance of reading, test preparation, techniques on improving comprehension, and literacy building!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Week Two of the Summer Reading Program Underway!

Week One of The Summer Reading & Tutoring Program

Week One of the Youth Literacy Foundation of Acadiana's Summer Reding program was a success and the kids are having a great time attending!

SMILE Community Action Partnership

The Youth Literacy Foundation was glad to assist SMILE Community Action Agency with their Youth Library Day earlier this month by donating books to give to the kids in attendance.
Pictured below: Corey Jack, Executive Director of Youth Literacy Foundation of Acadiana, and Hilda Wiltz, Resource Program Developer for SMILE Community Action Agency.

Franklin Senior High Summer Youth Football

Members of the foundation attended the Franklin Senior High Summer Youth Camp 2006 as speakers to talk to the kids about the importance of education and academics.

Morgan City Youth Activity Day

The foundation had a presence in St. Mary Parish earlier this month at The Morgan City Youth Activity Day to promote reading and education. We handed out books and gift cars to local book stores to the kids that attended the event.